Big News! Casa has a New Look and Website

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new brand identity and a new website!

We have been planning this shift for quite some time, but the pandemic had us pause our efforts, so we are delighted to finally be able to share our efforts and formally launch. 

Our old logos did a really great job for our beginnings, but we were ready for a re-fresh to better reflect who we are. With our new brand identity, we are introducing new colours, a new logo and we have shortened our name.  Operating with separate logos for Casa Toronto and Casa Vancouver did not give us room for growth into new locations.  Internally we have referred to ourselves as Casa for years and know that many of our partners have as well, so making the switch to “Casa” was an easy choice.  We wanted a logo that was crisp, clean, modern, bold, fun, and also demonstrated our value of diversity, and our overriding belief in accommodating happiness.  Our new look better matches our values, reflects our evolution, and is a symbol of our dynamic future.

Along with our evolved brand identity, we are launching a brand-new website.  Our goal was to incorporate our new brand identity and to make the new website more modern, faster, easier to navigate, more user-friendly, and introduce our latest student resident options. You will notice we have also migrated to a new domain name.  We will be updating our website with new features (like online registration and payments and more) and will consistently be adding new and helpful information.

Aside from our website, you will see our new look on social media, and soon, on all our documents.

Please take the time to explore our new website and branding when you have the opportunity.  We hope you love our new look and feel for Casa and find our website greatly improved!   We welcome all feedback as we strive to best match your needs.

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